

Here are all the fundamentals you need to know, to make sense of Honey in skincare!

Type of Ingredient: 

A natural humectant known for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties. 

Main Benefits:  

Not only do we love honey for its sweetness, but we love honey for its numerous benefits for our skin. It helps balance bacteria in the skin, speed up the skin cell renewal and healing process and treats several skin care concerns like acne and psoriasis. In addition to this, it is a natural humectant, therefore draws hydration and moisture to the skin!

Who should use it?

Honey does not discriminate against anyone, so everyone can use and benefit from this natural ingredient. But for anyone who is looking for a natural, gentle  ingredient that helps even out your skin tone, increase hydration in the skin or reduce inflammation then girl, honey is the go-to ingredient for you. 

How often can you use it?

You can use this ingredient once or twice a day.

Works well with

For greater moisture it’s best to use honey with ingredients like cocoa butter, shea butter and vitamin E. 

Don’t use with 

Although it is a natural, and very much safe ingredient try to be cautious if you have an allergy to pollen. 

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